You'lllearnto:exploretherolesplayedbythefourbasictastes—salty,sour,bitter,andsweet—andhowtobringthemintoharmony;;workmoreintuitively ...,Widelyhailedasoneofthemostinfluentialcookbooksofalltime,thisisthetimelessclassicguidetoculinarycreativityandflavorexploration,,TheFlavorBibleisyourguidetohundredsofingredientsalongwiththeherbs,spices,andotherseasoningsthatwillallowyoutocoaxthegreatestpossible...

The Flavor Bible by Andrew Dornenburg

You'll learn to: explore the roles played by the four basic tastes — salty, sour, bitter, and sweet — and how to bring them into harmony;; work more intuitively ...

Flavor Bible

Widely hailed as one of the most influential cookbooks of all time, this is the timeless classic guide to culinary creativity and flavor exploration,

The Flavor Bible

The Flavor Bible is your guide to hundreds of ingredients along with the herbs, spices, and other seasonings that will allow you to coax the greatest possible flavor and pleasure from them.

What do you think of the Flavor Bible as a basis for culinary ...

2013年8月18日 — I've read a number of posts on here of people praising The Flavor Bible as a good start to pairing flavors in cooking.